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The  conference aims to represent an alternative to the traditional science workshop format. Whilst still including the more traditional features of a conference, will also explore new ways of discussing the physics of open quantum systems and their non markovian dynamics. Participation is by invitation only.

In recent years, there has been a tremendous resurgence in the field of electrochemical transformations at the molecular level, promoted, inter alia,

By the development and exploitment of new electrode materials, media, cell configurations and/or of new electrosynthetic strategies, affording new products or improved performances in terms e.g. of improved yield and/or selectivity, lower costs, simpler synthetic pathways and/ or better ecocompatibility;

by the increasing need of understanding and rationalizing the electron transfer mechanisms involving complex electroactive organic, organometallic or coordination molecules or related materials to master and optimize their application in e.g. molecular electroanalysis, molecular electrocatalysis, molecular material science, molecular optoelectronics/ non-linear optics/chiroptics/spintronics, molecular (bio) energetics, molecular media (ionic liquid/liquid crystals/ DES…), as well as biology, pharmaceutics, and medicine.The Symposium, devoted to the present and future of molecular electrochemistry, will therefore cover a broad range of topics including, but not limited to

  • fundamental investigations on the mechanisms of action or transformation of the above molecules or molecular materials, on their reactivity initiated by electron transfer and on the relationship between structure and redox properties.
  • new tools, protocols and/or strategies for bond activation by ET for (electro)synthetic purposes
  • investigation, also by application of combined techniques and combining experimental data with theoretical computantions, of the electronic features of complex molecules and molecular systems, dealing e.g. with issues like intramolecular electronic communication, multiple interacting redox centres, host-guest interactions, electrochromism, redox properties affected by conformation change, stereoelectrochemistry, enantioselectivity at electrochemical interphases, photoelectrochemistry, etc.