
SP7 will be hosted in the beautiful Renaissance “Ca’ Granda” main building of the University of Milan (Room 201), located at via Festa del Perdono 7 (google map), within a walking distance from the Duomo Square and other main cultural sites of the city.
Built in the 15 th century as a hospital by the Tuscan architect known as Filarete, the Ca’ Granda is one of the most historically and artistically significant buildings in Milan, a city that offers countless other points of interest, including numerous works by Leonardo da Vinci, who lived in Milan for 25 years.
From MALPENSA airport
Take the Malpensa Express train from the airport to the Cadorna railway station or to Milan Central railway station (Stazione Centrale).
Then take the subway line 1 (red line) direction “SESTO F.S.” Get off at “DUOMO” station.
From the Duomo square, you can walk to via Festa del Perdono, following the attached map.
Alternatively, you can take a bus shuttle to Milan Central railway station (Stazione Centrale) and then proceed as above reported.
Expected time: 36 min train + 20 min.
Expected time bus shuttle: 65 min.